All about the Marwari Agarwal Wedding Rituals & Customs

The Marwaris hale from the desert region of Rajasthan called 'Mar war'. They basically have the same customs and practices as those of other Hindus, but variations definitely exist depending on the states.

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Arranged Marriages still significant In INDIA in modern society

It is a known fact that very crucial decisions in India especially pertaining to marriages are taken by the elders of the family. From the very onset of the journey of choosing a life partner to the date and economics of the wedding are all managed by the elders respectively.

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A "Good Marriage", goes a long way.. "It's not just about happy wife happy life, it s more like happy spouse happy house"

The actual journey begins, when you cross that point of breaking even, and you are on the path to exceeding expectations in your marriage. Marriage is not just a one sided affair, it involves two people as one. The main motto in marriage is to have love, respect, and trust, being loyal and being genuine with one another. Its easy to do the bare necessities for each other, but thinking out loud for one another is what really matters.

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Marwari marriage guidelines to deal with arranged marriages first meet

ShubhLagan Marwari marriage guidelines to relieve you from the awkwardness in dealing with the hurdles, of the arranged marriages first meet

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Life is like a movie and we all hope to have a happy ending

Most people, especially from Western countries think of arranged marriages as something that parents impose on their children. It is as if love is too frivolous, to base a lifelong commitment on. We now look beyond, what people say and reinvent the whole meaning of arranged marriages. Everyone imagines and creates a picture, of the kind of person they would want to be with. They try hard to find that picture, they create in their minds and give it an identity

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Marwari marriage a colourful fiesta, uniting two incredible souls

Marwari weddings, like all Indian weddings, are celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and exuberance. Their weddings are also very grand and colorful. Authentic Marwari weddings are a blast from the past, where the great Indian sears had described the rituals, in great details in the Vedas.

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