The Unique Selling Proposition at is the fact that we cater exclusively to the Marwari community. We aren't ardent businessmen but dedicated matchmakers who derive utmost satisfaction by serving the community.

We understand traditions and make sure all arrangements are made diligently and in accordance with the wishes of both families.

Since our core management hails from a strong Marwari background that has been active in matchmaking for close to a century, we share your emotions and thoughts and have served various eminent and elite Marwari families in India. We understand the pulse of the Marwari Community.

Confidentiality Clause

Sanjay Kirtania’s services are offered to affluent and eminent Marwari families in India and Overseas. We understand that unwarranted attention from the media and getting into the lime light may be of concern which is why we have built a mediating Confidentiality Clause into our service scope.

When doing business with us, one can be rest assured that information exchange remains between the two parties and that we respect our client’s views and opinions. This has helped many of our clients share their concerns with us more freely which in turn leads to a more well rounded, satisfying experience.

Service Promise

"Friends will keep you sane, Love could fill your heart, But lonely is the soul without a mate."

We endeavour to make the search for your soul mate just as important as the journey of matrimony itself. At SubhLagan, we place values above gain and endeavour to offer you apt and precise search results every time you use our services. Our service methodologies at both cater for this.

"There is a special bond between soul mates - unconditional love, respect for each other, bringing out the best in eachother, and being compatible." And many successful relationships endorse our Service Promise!

Work Culture

We are in the business of managing a very delicate balance, by making use of technology to fulfil a very personal and relationship oriented aim. At office, our work culture compels us to uphold the best values of dedication and devotion to transparency and we make it a point to have the same reflected in our services.

Our team has been instructed personally by Sanjay Kirtania to be unbiased and offer all of our clients the best and most apt matches.

Apart from our human essence, our systems are fool proof and respond to an array of keywords dedicatedly serving the Marwari community. So a client looking for a match based on more than one parameter (ex. Jain, MBA, USA ) need not worry about compromising.

While hunting for your perfect match, our team assists you in every step of the process :
  • An initial meeting
    with you to discuss your requirements and guge your temperament as our new clients.

  • A detailed in - house discussion
    among our team members followed by a meeting review and brainstorming session.

  • A comprehensive search
    through our database to shortlist apt matches.

  • Setting up the meeting
    between both families and mediating the conversation while highlighting the strengths on both sides.

  • Follow up calls
    with both families to convey decisions and recommendations.

  • Success Full Alliance
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Understanding and compre hending what an apt match is, requires analytical skills that comes only from experience like ours. While some interested grooms may consider compatibility of utmost importance, others may consider commitment to household more important. We set our filters according to varying needs but maintain a human touch to our services which balances off technology versus relationship management.