Practically everyone has a story to tell about how they hit the right note in business or helped out with better customer service. Ours however is as heartfelt as it is noble. When SubhLagan started out, we had but one goal in mind, one objective that was shared by many. The secret to our success lies in the implementation. Year after year, we have brought families together with a difference, with a level of commitment that deserves mention and remains in our clients hearts and minds for years to come.

Success is relative. Some attribute it to money, some to fame. We attribute success to happiness, and that’s a principle Subh Lagan isn’t willing to compromise on. Here’s to many more relationships and many more smiles!

May you truly have a ‘Subh Lagan’

When we met XYZ and ABC back in 20XX their families shared similar thought processes and wavelengths. It would’ve been nothing short of a miracle for these two families to meet and connect under ordinary circumstances.

Subh Lagan made this possible. We held their hands and walked them through all the celebrations and ceremonies. We reasoned with them, we inspired initiative and today they remember Subh Lagan for all the wonderful times they had.

Team SubhLagan so far, has served various eminent Marwari families in India and overseas. We understand the pulse of Marwari families and assure them service based around Trust and Confidentiality.

Team SubhLagan proves its mettle by sharing some of our client's testimonies

“Subhlagan has cracked the right formula to effective service in the Martrimony biz sphere! Everything from meetings to engagement planning is well orchestrated”

Shri Kamalji Morarka,
Gannon Dunkerley Group, (Former Central Minister)

“The quality of service offered is worthy of more than just a mention. We recommend their services and look forward to seeing them very soon at our next marriage proposal”

Shri Rameshji Poddar,
Siyaram Group

“Our family is always been apprehensive of the limelight.Subhlagan assured us of our prospective in-laws?s credibility and their background while maintaining the trust of confidentiality.”

Padmabhushan Shri Badrinarayanji Barwale,
Mahyco Group

“Subhlagan team is a delight to work with. We were a little apprehensive with letting someone in on so much information but were pleasantly surprised with their level of professionalism and confidentiality.”

Shri Pravitiji Tayal,
KSL & Industries Ltd